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Meet the Staff

Executive Headteacher -Mrs Elizabeth A Whetham - MBE, NPQH, AST, B.Ed (HONS) LLE

Head of School and DSL - Mr D Holley 

SENDco and DDSL - Mrs A Stephens

The school is supported by a dedicated and hard-working team of administrative staff, Teaching Assistants and Lunchtime Supervisors.

Teaching Staff

Early Years and DDSL - Mrs T McClory

Year 1 - Mrs J Ballinger

Year 2 - Mrs L Lamb

Year 3 - Mrs L Harding

Year 4 - Miss G Lumley

Year 5 - Miss L Evans and Mrs G Morgan

Year 6 - Ms C Richards

Teacher/PPA cover - Miss S Riley

Teaching Assistants

Mrs K Ryan

Miss M Xam

Mrs S Mead

Mrs K Blakeley

Miss H Smith

Mrs L Moore

Mrs M Davies

Mrs L Smith

Mrs R Lammas

Office Team

Mrs C Moule

Mrs J Macdonald


Mr D Tolladay

Wrap Around Care

Mrs R Marlow

Lunchtime Supervisors

Mrs M Stickland

Mrs J Powell-Davis