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Meet the Staff

Mrs Whetham is the Executive Headteacher and Mr Holley is the Head of School. 

Our SENDco is Mrs Stephens.

The School is supported by a dedicated and hard-working team of administrative staff, Teaching Assistants and Lunchtime Supervisors.


Mr Tolladay

Teaching Staff

Early Years and DDSL - Mrs McClory

Year 1 - Mrs Ballinger

Year 2 - Mrs Lamb

Year 3 - Mrs Harding

Year 4 - Miss Lumley

Year 5 - Miss Evans and Mrs Morgan

Year 6 - Mrs Richards

Teaching Assistants

Ms Dooner

Mrs Ryan

Miss Xam

Mrs Mead

Mrs Armstrong

Mrs Blakeley

Miss Smith

Mrs Moore

Mrs Davies

Mrs Smith

Office Team

Mrs Moule

Mrs Macdonald

Wrap Around Care

Mrs Marlow

Lunchtime Supervisors

Mrs Michaella Stickland

Mrs Powell-Davis