Design & Technology
Curriculum Intent
Through creativity and innovation, Design and Technology shape our lives.
At Rushwick School we feel Design and Technology prepares pupils to take part in the development of our rapidly changing world. Using an activity-focused approach, Design and Technology education gives pupils opportunities to create, innovate, design, make and evaluate a variety of products. It encourages children to become creative problem-solvers, both as individuals and as part of a team. Pupils are taught technical and craft skills to execute practical tasks, thereby developing their confidence. Through the study of Design and Technology, pupils combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environmental issues. This allows them to reflect on and evaluate present and past design and technology, its uses and its impacts.
Design and Technology helps all pupils move towards becoming discriminating and informed consumers and potential innovators.
At Rushwick School our curriculum is carefully planned to engage and excite all our learners. Our long-term plans map out the themes covered each term for each key stage and where possible we link with topics in other subjects. Planning is based on the National Curriculum outcomes, with an emphasis on the progression of skills. Our aims are:
- To develop valuable practical skills and carry out tasks safely.
- To design and make wellcrafted products that are fit for purpose.
- To develop and use a range of common practical skills, in contexts such as mechanical, diagnostic and repair tasks.
- To understand and, where appropriate, use the design cycle of planning, developing prototypes, modifying, making and evaluating.
- To know about good design, everyday products and use correct technical terminology.
- To investigate the rich history of design and technological innovation in Britain and further afield, both in the past and currently.
Throughout their learning journey in Design and Technology, children are taught the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in the process of designing and making. They learn through creative and practical activities, working in contexts that are relevant to them. They are encouraged to compare what they have experienced in previous years and to build on them, making connections. Each year group builds on specific vocabulary taught, which enables children to talk about their learning accurately and with confidence.